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Welcome to ICISN 2021

University of Transport Technology, Hanoi, Viet Nam is organizing The International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks  (ICISN 2021) on 19-20 March 2021. The growing demand for networks, various generation mobility, security benchmarks, and providing the Intelligent secure System to customers is the demand of time. The network is indeed greater in demand and thus it’s the hour of need to make a broad discussion on this domain. In the past couple of years, amazing developments can be seen from 2G to 5G, Security, and wire to wireless developments.  The conference will focus on Intelligent Systems and Networks along with then-current dependency in line with security and the latest technologies.

We would like to invite you to contribute your unpublished research work and participate in ICISN 2021.  The two days international technical forum will allow you to interact with a number of National and International delegates.  The ICISN 2021 offers a rich program, including keynote speeches, regular presentations, workshops, academic visiting, or tours. We invite your contribution and participation to make it a successful event.  It brings together experts from industry, governments, and academia, experienced in engineering, design, and research.

The forum will allow authors to present their excellent research results and new challenges facing in the field of intelligent systems and networks in computer science and information technology.  The conference will be covering topics from Intelligent System, Networks Application, and many more related to the conference theme.

We at the University of Transport Technology are looking forward to seeing you at ICISN in Hanoi, Viet Nam in March 2021.


All accepted, registered, and presented papers will be submitted to publish in Advanced Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Springer.   The books of this series are submitted to ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar, and Springerlink.  For more information please visit the series information webpage https://www.springer.com/series/11156     ISSN: 2194-5357.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in

Contact Us

Dr. Xuan Thu – Do, Ph.D
Head of Department, Faculty of Electronics & Technology
University of Transport Technology