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Call for papers

Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications

Emerging trends in smart city solutions are the true enablers for widespread and adaptation of smart applications. This workshop will bring together a group of experts with an interest in emerging smart solutions for critical applications in various domains related to everyday life.

This workshop also aims to merge innovative ideas from industry and academic research for comprehensive smart solution for critical applications in different domains. The submitted research will examine new and innovative smart applications that are enabled by the latest research and business trends. Also, various challenges related to smart solution will be addressed, and controversial issues in services and applications in different domains such as computer vision, social listening, IoT, smart city and security.

Many companies and projects are already developing AI and Big data applications to serve the growing demands for smart  solutions. For instance, the CMC-CIST  has demonstrated how the computer vision for face recognizeor transportation, blockchain for banking and customs, combined with social data and inhouse data for risk, social listening for understanding customer response. Smart solutions and applications can help urban and regional authorities implement more efficient decision of smart city. The workshop show the methodology to get high-knowledge fields playing more and more importance in the future.

The objective of this workshop is to develop methods that enable better and faster for smart solutions and applications. Research in this area focuses on tools, methods, algorithms, and application areas such as Internet of Things security through emerging techniques including, but not limited to, blockchain, machine learning, deep learning, Computer vision modeling and analysis, Social modeling and analysis, Sensors and sensor networks analytics.

This workshop has showcased the variety of experiences and interests generated by Smart solutions and applications. Building on the outcomes and lessons from this event, the present colaborates on the further international potential of the Smart solution concept and approach.


Important Dates : 

Due Date for Submission Manuscript:  30 November 2020

Due Date for Review’s to Author: 10 December 2020

Due Date for Final decision to Authors:  25 December 2020


Contact person’s Information

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh

Mobile phone: +84989190192

Submit your research now !!