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Technical Session



Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Friday, March 19



Opening Ceremony

09:00- 09:30

Keynote talks: Prof. Marco Anisetti, Ph.D – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Tilte: Trustworthiness in service-based systems

09:35 -10:05

Keynote talks : Prof. Zonhgyu Lu, Ph.D – University of Huddersfield, UK

Tilte: Smart technology vs Intelligent learning


Keynote talks : Prof. Gwanggil Jeon, Ph.D – Incheon National University, South Korea

Tilte: Color Filter Array Demosaicking Methods in Frequency and Spatial Domain


Coffee break


Computational Intelligence

Software Engineering & Software Development Methods

Signal Processing


Lunch break


Mobile and Wireless Network

Electronic and IoT applications

Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (1)


Coffee break


Poster (1)

Poster (2)

Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (2)

Keynote Talks (code keynote)

Session chair: Le Anh Ngoc, Ph,D – Electric Power University, Vietnam 

No Code Time Authors Paper title
1 keynote01 9:00 – 9:35 Prof. Marco Anisetti, Ph.D Trustworthiness in service-based systems
2 keynote02 9:35 – 10:10 Prof. Zonhgyu Lu, Ph.D Smart technology vs Intelligent learning
3 keynote03 10:10 – 11:45 Prof. Gwanggil Jeon, Ph.D Color Filter Array Demosaicking Methods in Frequency and Spatial Domain


Computational Intelligence (code: CI)

Session chair: Cong Doan Truong, Ph.D.,  International School, Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi 

No Code Authors Paper title
1 CI01 Hai Van Pham and Dong Nguyen Tien Hybrid Louvain-Clustering Model using Knowledge Graph for Improvement of Clustering User’s behavior on Social Networks
2 CI02 Abdulkareem Merhej Radhi, Subhi Aswad Mohammed, and Osamah Ali Awad Enhancement of Biometric System Based on a Modified Adaptive AdaBoost Method
3 CI03 Cong Doan Truong, Duy Hieu Vu, Duc Hau Le and Hung Cuong Trinh Research of large-scaled signaling networks in terms of their network features and sturdiness in case of mutations
4 CI04 Maha S. Altememe , Ashwan A. Abdulmunem , Zinah Abulridha Abutiheen Breast Cancer Classification based on Unsupervised Linear Transformation along with Cos Similarity Machine Learning
5 CI05 Phat Nguyen Huu Proposal system for monitoring parameters in an industrial incubator incorporating SVM model to detect diseased chickens


Software Engineering & Software Development Methods (code SESDM)

Session chair: Dao Nam Anh, Ph,D – Electric Power University, Vietnam 

No Code Authors Paper title
1 SESDM01 Amina Atiya Dawood  and Balasem Allawi Al-Isawi Short Interval Forecasting Model of COVID-19 in IRAQ using State Space Modeling
2 SESDM02 Dat Tien Nguyen and Hao Duc Do Research on large-scale knowledge base management frameworks for open-domain question answering systems
3 SESDM03 Julker Nien Akib, Shakik Mahmud and Mohammad Farhan Ferdous The Next Generation Multifunctional Window System
4 SESDM04 Hai-Thien To, Trung-Kien Le and Chi-Luan Le Real-time End-to-End 3D Human Pose Prediction on AI Edge Devices
5 SESDM05 Sundos Abdulameer Hameed. Alazawi, Mohammed Najm Abdullah Online Failure Prediction Model for Open-Source Software System Based on CNN

Mobile and Wireless Network (code: MWN)

Session chair: Hoang Xuan Tung, Ph.D, VNU University of Engineering and Technology

No Code Authors Paper title
1 MWN01 Wenquan Jin, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Anh Ngoc Le and Dohyeun Kim Real-Time Inference Approach based on Gateway-Centric Edge Computing for Intelligent Services
2 MWN02 Dinh Cong Le, Văn Minh Le, Thai Son Dang, The Anh Mai and Manh Cuong Nguyen Nonlinear adaptive filter based on pipelined bilinear function link neural networks architecture
3 MWN03 Mohamed El Tarhuni and Ahmed Salameh Enabling Technologies and Services for 6G Networks
4 MWN04 Trong-The Nguyen, Jin-Yang Lin, Duc-Tinh Pham, Truong-Giang Ngo and Van-Dinh Vu A Hybrid Swarm Evolution Algorithm for Solving Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Network
5 MWN05 Xuan Tung Hoang and Ngoc Dung Bui An Implementation of Firewall as a Service for OpenStack Virtualization Systems
6 MWN06 Trong Minh Hoang A Study on Anomaly Data Traffic Detection Method for Wireless Sensor Networks

Signal Processing (code: SP)

Session chair: Trong-Hieu Le, Ph.D, Electric Power University (EPU) 

No Code Authors Paper title
1 SP01 Shaima Ibraheem Jabbar and Liqaa M Al Sharifi Megakaryocyte Images Segmentation using wavelet transform and Modified Fuzzy C-means Techniques
2 SP02 Thanh Hai Tran and Van Hieu Do Improving continuous hand gesture detection and recognition from depth using convolutional neural networks
3 SP03 Aliaa K. Hassan and Ahmed M. Ahmed Robust Speaker Identification System based on Variational Bayesian Inference Gaussian Mixture Model and Feature Normalization
4 SP04 Trong-The Nguyen, Jun-Feng Gou, Jin-Yang Lin, Thi-Kien Dao and Truong-Giang Ngo A Solution to UAV Route Planning Problem based on Chaotic Genetic Algorithm
5 SP05 Vu Tran, Khanh Pham, Hoang Huy, Thanh Han Trong, Dung Nguyen Tuan and Huong Pham An Improved Automatic Lung Segmentation Algorithm for Thoracic CT Image Based on Features Selection


Electronic and IoT applications (code: EIA)

Session chair: Pham Thi Viet Huong, Ph.D., International School, Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi

No Code Authors Paper title
1 EIA01 Praneet Amul Akash Cherukuri, Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, Sai Kiran Vududala and Rahul Cherukuri Keras Convolutional Neural Network Model in Sequential Build of 4 and 6 Layer Architectures
2 EIA02 Zahra Qassim Hami, Boshra F. Zopon Al_Bayaty Designing and implementation of Mobile application for Healthcare monitoring
3 EIA03 Yasmine Mustafa Khazaal , Khamis  A.  Zidan and Fadhil Sahib Hasan FPGA Hardware Image Encryption Co-Simulation Utilizing Hybrid LFSR And Chaos Maps
4 EIA04 Van Quy Hoang and Cong Nguyen Dinh Detecting leftover food and the shrimp for estimating of the shrimp body length based on CNN
5 EIA05 Trong-Hieu Le and Manh-Cuong Ho Open-loop Short-circuit Branch Line Dual-mode Bandpass Filter for Low-bands 5G Applications
6 EIA06 Huu Vinh Quang Luu Mathematical Modeling the Network’s Nonlinearity for Analyzing and Assessing the Small-Signal Stability in Multi-Machine Power Systems


Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (1), code: WSSA

Session chair: Dang Minh Tuan, Ph.D., Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT)

No Code Authors Paper title
1 WSSA01 Anh Son Ta and Thi Ngan Nguyen An integer programming model for course timetabling problem at HUST
2 WSSA02 Ha Nguyen-Xuan, Tung Ngo-Thanh and Huy Nguyen-Van Development of an autonomous intelligent mobile robot based on SLAM and AI technology
3 WSSA03 Dong Hoang Nhu, Ha Nguyen Xuan and Tuan Dang Minh A new approach for large-scale face-feature matching based on LSH and FPGA for edge processing
4 WSSA04 Xuan-Truong Dinh, Tien Dat Trinh, Ngoc Tuyen Do and Van Hai Pham Improving Social Trend Detection Based on User Interaction and Combined with Keyphrase Extraction Using Text Features on Word Graph
5 WSSA05 Anh Son Ta, Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen and Ngoc Dang Nguyen Solving Resource Forecasting in Wifi Networks by Hybrid AR-LSTM Model


Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (2), code: WSSA

Session chair: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Ph.D., Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)

No Code Authors Paper title
1 WSSA06 Ba Thanh To and Phuong Nam Dao Control Design for Two-Channel Missile Systems
2 WSSA07 Phuong Nam Dao, Dinh Duong Pham, Xuan Khai Nguyen and Tat Chung Nguyen Adaptive Reinforcement Learning Motion/Force Control of Multiple Uncertain Manipulators
3 WSSA08 Tran Ngoc Thang and Nguyen Duc Vuong Portfolio Selection with Risk Aversion Index by Optimizing over Pareto Set
4 WSSA09 Nhat Anh Nguyen, Quoc Anh Nguyen Hoang, Tung Nguyen Xuan and Ngoc Anh Nguyen Thi Feature selection using genetic algorithm and Bayesian hyper-parameter optimization for LSTM in short-term load forecasting
5 WSSA10 Nguyen Thanh Binh, Huy Anh Nguyen, Pham Ngoc Linh, Giang Nguyen Linh and Tran Ngoc Thang Attentive RNN for HS Code Hierarchy Classification on Vietnamese Goods Declaration
6 WSSA11 Nam Nguyen Canh A Global Solution for Diversity Data Mining Problem


Poster (1)

Session chair: Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, Ph.D.,  Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam

No Code Authors Paper title
1 Poster01 Vu Tran, Huong Pham, Lam Ninh, Khanh Le, Hoang Huy and Hao Nguyen Designing system of receiving and processing urine flow rate for the diagnosis of benign prostate enlargement
2 Poster02 Sundus. Q. Habeeb , Salah A. K. Albermany Proposed Method to Generated values of The RADG Design by Lattice and Logistic Map
3 Poster03 Viet Dung Nguyen, Phuc Ngoc Pham, Thi Men Tran, Xuan Bach Nguyen and Minh Quan Nguyen Incorporation of Panoramic View in Fall Detection Using Omnidirectional Camera
4 Poster04 Mohaimen Hassan Mixing Pixels with New Gray Image Encryption Based on Generating Chaos System
5 Poster05 Xuan Tho Dang and Nam Anh Dao Deep Learning-Based Imbalanced Data Classification for Chest X-ray Image Analysis
6 Poster06 Tran Thi Hien, Qiaokang Liang and Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh Designing the system to drowsiness warning for driver using Python, Dlib, and OpenCV
7 Poster07 Huy Tran Quang, Duong Tran Binh, Phuc Thinh Doan and Duc-Tan Tran Beamforming for Density-based DBIM Scheme in Ultrasound Tomography
8 Poster08 Huu Hieu Nguyen, Anh Ngoc Le, Van Minh Le, Ngoc Lam Phung, Thi Tam Nguyen and Hai Le Phan Designing bidding systems in supply chain management using blockchain technology
9 Poster09 Sinh Cong Lam, Duc-Tan Tran, Viet Huong Pham, and Xuan Thu Do On the worst case user performance in milliliter cellular networks
10 Poster10 Trung Tan Nguyen An improved relay selection of cooperative MIMO based on channel priority matching algorithm
11 Poster11 Anastasia Shevtsova, Alexander Alexander and Valentin Silyanov Development of ITS Subsystem for Managing Urban Transport Flow
12 Poster12 Do Thuy, Nguyen Ngoc, Ngo Trung and Nguyen Le Mannequin modeling from 3D scanning data
13 Poster13 Nhung Luu, Tu Nguyen Ngoc, Trinh Nguyen Nhat, Hieu Pham Minh, Linh Nguyen Thi Dieu and Le Nguyen Thi Development of 3D breast measurement system using structured light for bra design
14 Poster14 Vu Tran, Tung Trinh, Huyen Nguyen, Hieu Tran, Kien Phan, Hoang Huy and Huong Pham Lung sounds classification using wavelet reconstructed sub-bands signal and machine learning
15 Poster15 Ha Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Linh Nguyen Ngoc Linh, Vinh Ho Ngoc Vinh, An Nguyen Nhat An and Hiep Huynh Xuan Hiep Developing Vietnamese sentiment lexicon from social reviews corpus based on support measurement


Poster (2)

Session chair: Tran Anh Vu, Ph.D., Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)

No. Code Authors Title
1 Poster16 Quang-Trung Hoang, Nguyen Canh Minh and Duc-Tan Tran Designing a Remote Monitoring System for Lakes Based on Internet of Things
2 Poster17 Ninh Bui Trung, Huy Luong Duc and Hung Nguyen Viet Building an automobile accident detection and messaging system using Arduino
3 Poster18 Ho Quang Nguyen, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Huu Chuc Nguyen and Trong Toai Truong An Improved Structural Design For Elastic Beam Of Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensor Based On Strain Gauges
4 Poster19 Thi Nguyen Duc, Tuan Nguyen Ngoc, Giang Le Ngoc and Tinh Tran Xuan Determining for launcher distance and intersection point of missile and target using simulation method.
5 Poster20 Kien Nguyen Phan, Vu Tran Anh, Trung Dang Thanh and Thang Phung Xuan Upgrade and complete the electrical impedance measuring system applying for meat quality analysis and evaluation
6 Poster21 Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Nguyen Duc Thi, Nguyen Van Bang and Tran Van Tuyen Synthesis of remote control law when taking into dynamics and nonlinear of the missile stage
7 Poster22 Michael Omar, Trung Tung Doan and Khoa Canh Nguyen The Role of Blockchain Security in the Internet of Things
8 Poster23 Xuan Dau Hoang and Xuan Hanh Vu An Enhanced Model for DGA botnet detection Using Supervised Machine Learning
9 Poster24 Luong Nghia Huynh, Cong Doan Truong, Van Quang Dinh, Xuan Thu Do and Anh Ngoc Le An application of a method of weighting assigning for attributes based on the level of different body structures to improve the artificial neural network for diagnosing hepatitis
12 Poster27 Kien Nguyen, Khoi Nguyen and Vu Tran Design of air bubble detection system used in pleural drainage suction systems
13 Poster28 Blake Hament and Vikram Puri Road Sign Segmentation for Smart Bicycles
14 Poster29 Nguyen-Cac Tran and Ngoc-Dung Bui Challenges and Merits of Wavelength-Agile in TWDM Passive Optical Access Network
15 Poster30 Ngo Hai Anh QoS Evaluation of Multimedia Data over Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks
16 Poster31 Son Thanh Cao, Phan Anh Phong and Le Quoc Anh Integrating Multi-Threading into Query-Subquery Nets