Time |
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
Friday, March 19 | |||
08:00-08:30 |
Registration |
08:30-09:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:00- 09:30 |
Keynote talks: Prof. Marco Anisetti, Ph.D – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy Tilte: Trustworthiness in service-based systems |
09:35 -10:05 |
Keynote talks : Prof. Zonhgyu Lu, Ph.D – University of Huddersfield, UK Tilte: Smart technology vs Intelligent learning |
10:10-10:45 |
Keynote talks : Prof. Gwanggil Jeon, Ph.D – Incheon National University, South Korea Tilte: Color Filter Array Demosaicking Methods in Frequency and Spatial Domain |
10:50-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:15 |
Computational Intelligence |
Software Engineering & Software Development Methods |
Signal Processing |
12:15-13:30 |
Lunch break |
13:30-15:00 |
Mobile and Wireless Network |
Electronic and IoT applications |
Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (1) |
15:00-15:15 |
Coffee break |
15:15-17:30 |
Poster (1) |
Poster (2) |
Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (2) |
Keynote Talks (code keynote)
Session chair: Le Anh Ngoc, Ph,D – Electric Power University, Vietnam
No | Code | Time | Authors | Paper title |
1 | keynote01 | 9:00 – 9:35 | Prof. Marco Anisetti, Ph.D | Trustworthiness in service-based systems |
2 | keynote02 | 9:35 – 10:10 | Prof. Zonhgyu Lu, Ph.D | Smart technology vs Intelligent learning |
3 | keynote03 | 10:10 – 11:45 | Prof. Gwanggil Jeon, Ph.D | Color Filter Array Demosaicking Methods in Frequency and Spatial Domain |
Computational Intelligence (code: CI)
Session chair: Cong Doan Truong, Ph.D., International School, Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | CI01 | Hai Van Pham and Dong Nguyen Tien | Hybrid Louvain-Clustering Model using Knowledge Graph for Improvement of Clustering User’s behavior on Social Networks |
2 | CI02 | Abdulkareem Merhej Radhi, Subhi Aswad Mohammed, and Osamah Ali Awad | Enhancement of Biometric System Based on a Modified Adaptive AdaBoost Method |
3 | CI03 | Cong Doan Truong, Duy Hieu Vu, Duc Hau Le and Hung Cuong Trinh | Research of large-scaled signaling networks in terms of their network features and sturdiness in case of mutations |
4 | CI04 | Maha S. Altememe , Ashwan A. Abdulmunem , Zinah Abulridha Abutiheen | Breast Cancer Classification based on Unsupervised Linear Transformation along with Cos Similarity Machine Learning |
5 | CI05 | Phat Nguyen Huu | Proposal system for monitoring parameters in an industrial incubator incorporating SVM model to detect diseased chickens |
Software Engineering & Software Development Methods (code SESDM)
Session chair: Dao Nam Anh, Ph,D – Electric Power University, Vietnam
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | SESDM01 | Amina Atiya Dawood and Balasem Allawi Al-Isawi | Short Interval Forecasting Model of COVID-19 in IRAQ using State Space Modeling |
2 | SESDM02 | Dat Tien Nguyen and Hao Duc Do | Research on large-scale knowledge base management frameworks for open-domain question answering systems |
3 | SESDM03 | Julker Nien Akib, Shakik Mahmud and Mohammad Farhan Ferdous | The Next Generation Multifunctional Window System |
4 | SESDM04 | Hai-Thien To, Trung-Kien Le and Chi-Luan Le | Real-time End-to-End 3D Human Pose Prediction on AI Edge Devices |
5 | SESDM05 | Sundos Abdulameer Hameed. Alazawi, Mohammed Najm Abdullah | Online Failure Prediction Model for Open-Source Software System Based on CNN |
Mobile and Wireless Network (code: MWN)
Session chair: Hoang Xuan Tung, Ph.D, VNU University of Engineering and Technology
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | MWN01 | Wenquan Jin, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Anh Ngoc Le and Dohyeun Kim | Real-Time Inference Approach based on Gateway-Centric Edge Computing for Intelligent Services |
2 | MWN02 | Dinh Cong Le, Văn Minh Le, Thai Son Dang, The Anh Mai and Manh Cuong Nguyen | Nonlinear adaptive filter based on pipelined bilinear function link neural networks architecture |
3 | MWN03 | Mohamed El Tarhuni and Ahmed Salameh | Enabling Technologies and Services for 6G Networks |
4 | MWN04 | Trong-The Nguyen, Jin-Yang Lin, Duc-Tinh Pham, Truong-Giang Ngo and Van-Dinh Vu | A Hybrid Swarm Evolution Algorithm for Solving Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Network |
5 | MWN05 | Xuan Tung Hoang and Ngoc Dung Bui | An Implementation of Firewall as a Service for OpenStack Virtualization Systems |
6 | MWN06 | Trong Minh Hoang | A Study on Anomaly Data Traffic Detection Method for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Signal Processing (code: SP)
Session chair: Trong-Hieu Le, Ph.D, Electric Power University (EPU)
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | SP01 | Shaima Ibraheem Jabbar and Liqaa M Al Sharifi | Megakaryocyte Images Segmentation using wavelet transform and Modified Fuzzy C-means Techniques |
2 | SP02 | Thanh Hai Tran and Van Hieu Do | Improving continuous hand gesture detection and recognition from depth using convolutional neural networks |
3 | SP03 | Aliaa K. Hassan and Ahmed M. Ahmed | Robust Speaker Identification System based on Variational Bayesian Inference Gaussian Mixture Model and Feature Normalization |
4 | SP04 | Trong-The Nguyen, Jun-Feng Gou, Jin-Yang Lin, Thi-Kien Dao and Truong-Giang Ngo | A Solution to UAV Route Planning Problem based on Chaotic Genetic Algorithm |
5 | SP05 | Vu Tran, Khanh Pham, Hoang Huy, Thanh Han Trong, Dung Nguyen Tuan and Huong Pham | An Improved Automatic Lung Segmentation Algorithm for Thoracic CT Image Based on Features Selection |
Electronic and IoT applications (code: EIA)
Session chair: Pham Thi Viet Huong, Ph.D., International School, Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | EIA01 | Praneet Amul Akash Cherukuri, Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, Sai Kiran Vududala and Rahul Cherukuri | Keras Convolutional Neural Network Model in Sequential Build of 4 and 6 Layer Architectures |
2 | EIA02 | Zahra Qassim Hami, Boshra F. Zopon Al_Bayaty | Designing and implementation of Mobile application for Healthcare monitoring |
3 | EIA03 | Yasmine Mustafa Khazaal , Khamis A. Zidan and Fadhil Sahib Hasan | FPGA Hardware Image Encryption Co-Simulation Utilizing Hybrid LFSR And Chaos Maps |
4 | EIA04 | Van Quy Hoang and Cong Nguyen Dinh | Detecting leftover food and the shrimp for estimating of the shrimp body length based on CNN |
5 | EIA05 | Trong-Hieu Le and Manh-Cuong Ho | Open-loop Short-circuit Branch Line Dual-mode Bandpass Filter for Low-bands 5G Applications |
6 | EIA06 | Huu Vinh Quang Luu | Mathematical Modeling the Network’s Nonlinearity for Analyzing and Assessing the Small-Signal Stability in Multi-Machine Power Systems |
Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (1), code: WSSA
Session chair: Dang Minh Tuan, Ph.D., Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT)
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | WSSA01 | Anh Son Ta and Thi Ngan Nguyen | An integer programming model for course timetabling problem at HUST |
2 | WSSA02 | Ha Nguyen-Xuan, Tung Ngo-Thanh and Huy Nguyen-Van | Development of an autonomous intelligent mobile robot based on SLAM and AI technology |
3 | WSSA03 | Dong Hoang Nhu, Ha Nguyen Xuan and Tuan Dang Minh | A new approach for large-scale face-feature matching based on LSH and FPGA for edge processing |
4 | WSSA04 | Xuan-Truong Dinh, Tien Dat Trinh, Ngoc Tuyen Do and Van Hai Pham | Improving Social Trend Detection Based on User Interaction and Combined with Keyphrase Extraction Using Text Features on Word Graph |
5 | WSSA05 | Anh Son Ta, Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen and Ngoc Dang Nguyen | Solving Resource Forecasting in Wifi Networks by Hybrid AR-LSTM Model |
Workshop on Smart Solutions and Applications (2), code: WSSA
Session chair: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Ph.D., Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | WSSA06 | Ba Thanh To and Phuong Nam Dao | Control Design for Two-Channel Missile Systems |
2 | WSSA07 | Phuong Nam Dao, Dinh Duong Pham, Xuan Khai Nguyen and Tat Chung Nguyen | Adaptive Reinforcement Learning Motion/Force Control of Multiple Uncertain Manipulators |
3 | WSSA08 | Tran Ngoc Thang and Nguyen Duc Vuong | Portfolio Selection with Risk Aversion Index by Optimizing over Pareto Set |
4 | WSSA09 | Nhat Anh Nguyen, Quoc Anh Nguyen Hoang, Tung Nguyen Xuan and Ngoc Anh Nguyen Thi | Feature selection using genetic algorithm and Bayesian hyper-parameter optimization for LSTM in short-term load forecasting |
5 | WSSA10 | Nguyen Thanh Binh, Huy Anh Nguyen, Pham Ngoc Linh, Giang Nguyen Linh and Tran Ngoc Thang | Attentive RNN for HS Code Hierarchy Classification on Vietnamese Goods Declaration |
6 | WSSA11 | Nam Nguyen Canh | A Global Solution for Diversity Data Mining Problem |
Poster (1)
Session chair: Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, Ph.D., Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam
No | Code | Authors | Paper title |
1 | Poster01 | Vu Tran, Huong Pham, Lam Ninh, Khanh Le, Hoang Huy and Hao Nguyen | Designing system of receiving and processing urine flow rate for the diagnosis of benign prostate enlargement |
2 | Poster02 | Sundus. Q. Habeeb , Salah A. K. Albermany | Proposed Method to Generated values of The RADG Design by Lattice and Logistic Map |
3 | Poster03 | Viet Dung Nguyen, Phuc Ngoc Pham, Thi Men Tran, Xuan Bach Nguyen and Minh Quan Nguyen | Incorporation of Panoramic View in Fall Detection Using Omnidirectional Camera |
4 | Poster04 | Mohaimen Hassan | Mixing Pixels with New Gray Image Encryption Based on Generating Chaos System |
5 | Poster05 | Xuan Tho Dang and Nam Anh Dao | Deep Learning-Based Imbalanced Data Classification for Chest X-ray Image Analysis |
6 | Poster06 | Tran Thi Hien, Qiaokang Liang and Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh | Designing the system to drowsiness warning for driver using Python, Dlib, and OpenCV |
7 | Poster07 | Huy Tran Quang, Duong Tran Binh, Phuc Thinh Doan and Duc-Tan Tran | Beamforming for Density-based DBIM Scheme in Ultrasound Tomography |
8 | Poster08 | Huu Hieu Nguyen, Anh Ngoc Le, Van Minh Le, Ngoc Lam Phung, Thi Tam Nguyen and Hai Le Phan | Designing bidding systems in supply chain management using blockchain technology |
9 | Poster09 | Sinh Cong Lam, Duc-Tan Tran, Viet Huong Pham, and Xuan Thu Do | On the worst case user performance in milliliter cellular networks |
10 | Poster10 | Trung Tan Nguyen | An improved relay selection of cooperative MIMO based on channel priority matching algorithm |
11 | Poster11 | Anastasia Shevtsova, Alexander Alexander and Valentin Silyanov | Development of ITS Subsystem for Managing Urban Transport Flow |
12 | Poster12 | Do Thuy, Nguyen Ngoc, Ngo Trung and Nguyen Le | Mannequin modeling from 3D scanning data |
13 | Poster13 | Nhung Luu, Tu Nguyen Ngoc, Trinh Nguyen Nhat, Hieu Pham Minh, Linh Nguyen Thi Dieu and Le Nguyen Thi | Development of 3D breast measurement system using structured light for bra design |
14 | Poster14 | Vu Tran, Tung Trinh, Huyen Nguyen, Hieu Tran, Kien Phan, Hoang Huy and Huong Pham | Lung sounds classification using wavelet reconstructed sub-bands signal and machine learning |
15 | Poster15 | Ha Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Linh Nguyen Ngoc Linh, Vinh Ho Ngoc Vinh, An Nguyen Nhat An and Hiep Huynh Xuan Hiep | Developing Vietnamese sentiment lexicon from social reviews corpus based on support measurement |
Poster (2)
Session chair: Tran Anh Vu, Ph.D., Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
No. | Code | Authors | Title |
1 | Poster16 | Quang-Trung Hoang, Nguyen Canh Minh and Duc-Tan Tran | Designing a Remote Monitoring System for Lakes Based on Internet of Things |
2 | Poster17 | Ninh Bui Trung, Huy Luong Duc and Hung Nguyen Viet | Building an automobile accident detection and messaging system using Arduino |
3 | Poster18 | Ho Quang Nguyen, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Huu Chuc Nguyen and Trong Toai Truong | An Improved Structural Design For Elastic Beam Of Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensor Based On Strain Gauges |
4 | Poster19 | Thi Nguyen Duc, Tuan Nguyen Ngoc, Giang Le Ngoc and Tinh Tran Xuan | Determining for launcher distance and intersection point of missile and target using simulation method. |
5 | Poster20 | Kien Nguyen Phan, Vu Tran Anh, Trung Dang Thanh and Thang Phung Xuan | Upgrade and complete the electrical impedance measuring system applying for meat quality analysis and evaluation |
6 | Poster21 | Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Nguyen Duc Thi, Nguyen Van Bang and Tran Van Tuyen | Synthesis of remote control law when taking into dynamics and nonlinear of the missile stage |
7 | Poster22 | Michael Omar, Trung Tung Doan and Khoa Canh Nguyen | The Role of Blockchain Security in the Internet of Things |
8 | Poster23 | Xuan Dau Hoang and Xuan Hanh Vu | An Enhanced Model for DGA botnet detection Using Supervised Machine Learning |
9 | Poster24 | Luong Nghia Huynh, Cong Doan Truong, Van Quang Dinh, Xuan Thu Do and Anh Ngoc Le | An application of a method of weighting assigning for attributes based on the level of different body structures to improve the artificial neural network for diagnosing hepatitis |
12 | Poster27 | Kien Nguyen, Khoi Nguyen and Vu Tran | Design of air bubble detection system used in pleural drainage suction systems |
13 | Poster28 | Blake Hament and Vikram Puri | Road Sign Segmentation for Smart Bicycles |
14 | Poster29 | Nguyen-Cac Tran and Ngoc-Dung Bui | Challenges and Merits of Wavelength-Agile in TWDM Passive Optical Access Network |
15 | Poster30 | Ngo Hai Anh | QoS Evaluation of Multimedia Data over Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks |
16 | Poster31 | Son Thanh Cao, Phan Anh Phong and Le Quoc Anh | Integrating Multi-Threading into Query-Subquery Nets |